Saturday, 8 August 2009

Pick of the Pix Series, Another Angle on Seconding

Lens 55.0mm, 1/160s, f/3.2, ISO: 1600

The German coach is captured in an animated stance in the foreground while seconding his student who is taking a hit from Christine Topia in the 2007 World Champs in Quebec.

Lens 85.0mm, 1/160s, f/4.0, ISO: 1600

Jeremy Hanna, seconded by Mark Trotter prior to going onto the ring at the World Cup in Italy in 2008.

Lens 85.0mm, 1/160s, f/2.2, ISO: 1600

It's the 2009 World Champs trials and Carl van Roon and Mark Trotter are giving Erica Germain instructions and encouragement during timeout in her critical three minute sparring round.