We've got the medal ceremony and closing images to process and publish. Everyone's been asking how many photos we took.... so here are some stats up to the closing ceremony:
Images taken: 27,694 - 133GB
Images published: 11,500 - 65GB (but they get compressed during publishing)
Posts on TKDAction.com: 32
Tweets by TKDAction team on @TKDAction: 595
TKDAction.com website:
Approximately 24,000 page views
9760 visits
2,000 visits on largest day (Thursday 10th) - Senior individual events
The live video stream had 70,000 viewing hours on day1 - I haven't heard statistics on it since then.
Number of people in the TKDAction team: 7 at all times.
Number of people helping TKDAction: 9
More later today...