Today is the last day before the World Champs tournament begins. The team were training at 7.30am prior to breakfast followed by the weigh in scheduled for mid-morning. This will be the first time most of the team will see the competition venue.
Yesterday some of the coaches and senior members visited and met the Taekwon-Do instructor/engineer who built the breaking and specialty machines. They're based on those used at the last European Champs along with some improvements. They have 500kg of weights to hold the breaking machines so they're solid with another 500kg just down the road if needed. They haven't been subjected to the Wesley test yet!
Mean time our experts gave them the thumbs up.
Mark and Carl checked out the elevated ring #1 for it's strength, mat feel and size for their pre-arranged sparring routine and also gave it the thumbs up.
The mats are all new and seem to be a little thicker than what we're used to. They didn't feel slippery and were also being washed down last night.
The venue has a good feel and we're all looking forward to getting underway.
Images from this mornings training (92)...